Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020)
126 articles
Proceedings Article
The Survey of Tendency in Learning Styles of Fifth Grade Elementary School Students in Cluster Three of Gunungsari Sub-Districts
Ade Andriyan, Muhammad Yamin, Arina Hidayati, Andra Ade Riyanto, La Ode Alfin Haris Munandar
This study aims to determine the tendency of learning styles possessed by fifth-grade primary school students in cluster 3 Gunungsari sub-district in 2018/2019. This research is a type of quantitative research using survey methods. The type of survey used in this study is a cross-sectional type. The...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Post Covid-19
Handry Sudiartha Athar, Prayitno Basuki, Budi Santoso
This study aims to determine the effect of Trust In Brand, Promotion Mix, Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction at Lotte Mart Branch Mataram post the pandemic of Covid-19. This research is quantitative. In this study, the population is consumers who have made purchases of products at Lotte Mart for...
Proceedings Article
Covid-19, Walkie Talkie and Teacher Agency in Educating Young Learner at SD Punik
Shintia Deta Kurnia
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. The impact of the Covid-19 virus occurs in various fields, one of which is education. To control the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process becomes online learning. Online learning cannot separate from...
Proceedings Article
Descriptive Analysis on the Plays of Wayang Kekayon Khalifah: A Collaboration Among Calligraphy, Wayang Arts, Islamic Dialogue, and Java Culture
L Lutfianto, Abdul Munip
Islamic art in the archipelago is not only in the form of calligraphy and mosque designs but also in the form of Wayang or puppetry. One example is Wayang Kekayon Khalifah Yogyakarta. Wayang uses calligraphy as a means of writing down the names of the actors and existing symbols and collaborating with...
Proceedings Article
Improving Writing Ability and Independent Learning Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Assisted by Serial Image Media
Ika Mustika, Teti Sobari, Ratih Sapdiani
This research was conducted due to the low ability of students in writing procedural texts and the lack of independent learning of students. This is due to the difficulty of students developing procedural texts in supporting the achievement of learning objectives and the lack of student motivation to...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Assistance Model for Children Facing the Law in the Child Protection Institution (LPA) in Bima
Z Zuhrah, Muhammad Asad Imaduddin, J Juhriati, Husnatul Mahmudah, M. Amin
This study aims to analyze the model of mentoring for children in conflict with the law carried out by Child Protection Institution (LPA) Bima. Researchers intend to map out the model of mentoring for children so that in the long term it can be disseminated and become good practices that can be adopted...
Proceedings Article
Deforestation and Disaster Mitigation: Policy Analysis for the Prevention and Enforcement of Forest Function Change in Bima
Aman Ma’arij, M. Firdaus, R Ridwan, S Sukirman
This article is the result of research on environmental degradation. Forests have a very important and vital function in human life, i.e., socially, economically, and other aspects. Therefore, forests need to be preserved and utilized to ensure it sustainability. Forest destruction due to illegal logging...
Proceedings Article
The Achievement of National Education Standard of Private Senior High School of Rural Area
Dadi Setiadi, Hamid Syukrie ZM, F Fahruddin
This electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. *CRITICAL: Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, Footnotes, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract. (Abstract) The quality of educational unit between state senior...
Proceedings Article
Learning Local Content of Cultural Arts Based on Local Genius of Sasak Culture in PGSD Students
Muhammad Tahir, Muhammad Sobri, Setiani Novitasari, N Nursaptini, Ashar Pajarungi Anar
This study aims to determine the form of reinforcement in learning local content of arts and culture based on the local genius of Sasak culture. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research was conducted on PGSD students. Determination of research subjects using purposive...
Proceedings Article
Development of Learning Model Based on Cognitive Processes in Mathematical Investigation
Sri Subarinah, Nyoman Sridana, Sudi Prayitno
A mathematical investigation is a scientific thinking activity that needs to be developed in learning. This study aims to construct a learning model based on the cognitive process of mathematical investigation (CPMI). Activities in the mathematical investigation have 4 stages of cognitive processes,...
Proceedings Article
Innovation of Learning Social With LSLC to Develop Students’ HOTS Ability at Junior High School 14 Mataram
Hairil Wadi, S Sukardi, Ni Made Novi Suryanti, Nurlaily Handayani
This study aimed to determine the innovation of social studies learning by teachers through the Lesson Study For Learning Community (LSLC), which can develop higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) of students at Junior High School 14 Mataram. The research method uses descriptive qualitative by collecting...
Proceedings Article
Community-Based Social Services for Livelihood Recovery after Disaster: Evidence from Post Earthquakes, Lombok, Indonesia
Moh. Taqiuddin, R Rifai, Mala Mardialina, I Nyoman Nugraha Ardana Putra, Ahmad Mubarak Munir, Maya Atri Komalasari, Yolanda Trisula Sidarta Yohanes
Theoretically and empirically, Indonesia is a country with a high risk of natural disasters. The World Risk Report (2018) noted that Indonesia’s risk index is relatively high at 10.36 and ranked 36th out of 172 countries. The risk driven by the high exposure of mostly areas of Indonesia to various geophysical...
Proceedings Article
Bikol Agricultural Folksongs
Cherry Love B. Montales
Singing songs of the past may rekindle one’s cultural heritage. Bikol agricultural folksongs have the potential of introducing culture and agriculture in learning. Besides, it makes learning fun when used in classrooms. This is a qualitative study that collected agricultural folksongs both from the locals...
Proceedings Article
Legal Protection for Consumers on the Circulation of Illegal Medicines in West Nusa Tenggara
Muhammad Sood, Lalu Puttrawandi, Khairur Rizki
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause illegal drug products to enter and circulate in West Nusa Tenggara, as well as to analyze the efforts to overcome the circulation of illegal medicinal products in an effort to protect consumers. This research is a normative empirical (socio-legal) study...
Proceedings Article
Adoption of Digital Marketing in Strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Mataram City during The Covid 19 Pandemic
Baiq Dewi Lita Andiana, Laili Hurriati, F Fathurrahman
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the backbone of national economic growth because they cover nearly 90% of business actors in Indonesia. Therefore, the government has launched various strengthening schemes for MSMEs in the form of capital strengthening programs, business management programs,...
Proceedings Article
Comic Strip as Indonesian Tribes Diversity Lesson for Grade IV Students
Moh. Fathurrahman, S Sukarjo, Deni Setiawan, Rizka Nurul Izmi
This research is motivated by the low outcomes of students in learning social studies subjects due to the limitations of learning media both supply and use. Therefore, researchers conduct development research intending to develop and produce media illustrated story products and find out their feasibility...
Proceedings Article
Develop English Electronic Module for Tourism Through Analysis of Learner’s and Context
Anwar Rahman, Basuki Wibawa, Syarif Sumantri
Tourism development in Lampung province has been developing rapidly and the need for English communication skills at the tourism workplace is highly required due to a lot of visitors are foreigners. The state Polytechnic of Lampung has opened a new program study of tour and travel to support the government...
Proceedings Article
Going Beyond Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) on Culture Evaluation
M Mahyuni, Nur Ahmadi, Muhammad Fadjri
Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM, henceforth) theory, Wierzbicka (1994, 1997, 1999), has been claimed to be effective in tackling the cultural semantics phenomena. This is easily proved by using universal semantic primes such as, I, you, say, think, feel, good, and bad. Data in this paper was partly...
Proceedings Article
Language Classification of Traditional Medicinal Plants in the Sasak-Lombok Society
S Saharudin, Pahrudin Arrozi, S Sukri
This study aims to make an inventory of linguistic data used for labelling / marking of medicinal plants and to describe the functional classification of these medicinal plants in accordance with the EMIC view. In addition, it is to explain the cultural views of speakers of the Sasak language (indigenous...
Proceedings Article
Anatomy of Zakat Regulation for Community Welfare
Ahmad Muhasim, M Muhaimim, Tuti Harwati
The anatomy of zakat regulations in positive law is contained in statutory regulations such as the first, second, and fifth Pancasila precepts, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In Chapter XA on Human Rights, Article 28A states “everyone has the right to live in maintaining their lives,...
Proceedings Article
The Development of Traditional Games of Cat and Rat to Improve Social and Emotional Abilities of Children aged 5 to 6 Years Old
Baik Nilawati Astini, N Nurhasanah, Ika Rachmayani, Rafiqatul Ummahaati
This research aims to develop traditional cat and rat games to improve social and emotional abilities of children aged 5-6 years. This research adopts the type of development research from Borg and Gall. Data collection was carried out through the observation method. Subjects in the study were 20 children....
Proceedings Article
Khitanan in Javanese Society (Ringin Agung-Kediri Village): Anthropological Linguistic Study
Andra Ade Riyanto, J Jaelani, La Ode Alfin Haris Munandar, Aulia Dwi Amalina Wahab
Khitanan is one of the ritual traditions that celebrated by the Javanese people with the aim of obtaining safety or expressing gratitude for something that has been achieved. This study aims to examine the procession of khitanan according to Javanese culture as seen from the meaning of event of khitanan...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Pandemic Covid-19 on Small Business Enterprise in West Nusa Tenggara Province
Rosiady Husaenie Sayuti, Siti Aisyah Hidayati
The arrival of the Covid-19 Pandemic was never imagined at all. Moreover, then this pandemic swept across the world. There is almost no country that is not affected by this pandemic. The first patient announced by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, came from Depok, on March 2, 2020....
Proceedings Article
The Role of “Bale Langgak” in the Implementation of Socio-Cultural Values in Sasak Community
Hasim Asyari
The background of this study is the need to reaffirm the role and function of the family which in Sasak is termed bale langgak. The goal to be achieved in this study is for the community to re-realize the importance of family institutions in educating children with a variety of wisdom values of the Sasak...
Proceedings Article
Teachers’ Ability on Language Devices and Social Objective of the Text in Text-Based Indonesian Language Learning at Junior High Schools Level in Mataram City
B Burhanuddin, R Rusdiawan, Siti Rohana Hariana Intiana, S Sukri, S Suyanu
This study aims to explain the teacher’s ability to determine language tools and social objectives of text in text-based Indonesian language learning at the junior high schools (SMP / MTs) level in Mataram City. Data were collected using the interview method (online) accompanied by a questionnaire. Data...
Proceedings Article
Responsibility of Family Doctors in Health Services for BPJS Health Participants in Mataram City
Health services are provided through the form of medication and care. Health workers, medical and nonmedical, are responsible for providing optimal service. Medical personnel, in terms of doctors, have the responsibility for the treatment that is being carried out. Treatment actions and determining needs...